Steam Boiler Plant
We design and build complete turnkey plants in the industrial sector for the production and supply of steam, hot water and thermal oil in all pressure and power ranges.
Depending on the customer`s wishes or technical conditions, we use boiler pressure vessels made by renowned German manufacturers. They are equipped with reputable products in accordance with the applicable standards and guidelines, such as DIN EN 12953 and the PED. Country-specific regulations can serve as a basis for export.
We are represented in all sectors, e.g. in companies that focus on food processing, industrial laundries, lime sand brick and aerated concrete plants, and tank truck cleaning facilities.
- High-pressure steam boiler with integrated economiser, output 8t/h, 13 bar, gas-fired, monoblock
- High-pressure steam boiler 10 t/h 13 bar, gas/oil-fired, duoblock
- Shell of a double-flue boiler 2 x 20 t/h, 19 bar, double gas-fired, monoblock, with economiser, capacitor Flue gas condenser
- Pure steam generator 700 kg/h, 3 bar steam pressure control deviation less than 0.1 bar
- Insertion of an 8 t/h steam boiler through a small roof opening
- Separate boiler house with pipe bridge and external feed water tank